I-2117: A Risk to Our Health

WPSR is proud to release our report, I-2117: A Risk to Our Health. This report highlighting the severe health risks posed by Initiative 2117, which seeks to repeal the Climate Commitment Act (CCA). Repealing the CCA would reverse significant health advancements, especially for vulnerable populations like children and overburdened communities.

Latest Climate and Health News

  • Read our latest report, "I-2117: A Risk to Our Health: This report, authored by WPSR’s community of healthcare professionals, examines the significant health threats posed by Initiative 2117, which seeks to repeal Washington's Climate Commitment Act (CCA). The analysis highlights the critical health benefits of the CCA, including improved air quality, reduced respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, and support for overburdened communities. Learn why maintaining the CCA is vital for the health of all Washingtonians and the importance of voting 'No' on Initiative 2117. Read the full report here.

  • WPSR is pleased to share “the Health Consequences of Extracting, Transporting and Burning ‘Natural’ Gas.” Authored by Dr. Mark R. Vossler (WPSR President and Climate & Health Task Force member) this multi-part series explores the health impacts of the use of gas at every point along the product cycle.

  • WPSR’s Dr. Mary Beth Bennett makes the case for electrification in a new video put together by our partners at Resource Media. Learn about the serious health threats posed by gas stoves, and why electrifying the places where we live and work is such a critical step to take both for the climate and for our health.

  • Children in homes with gas stoves have a 42% increased risk of asthma symptoms. We need funding and programs for Washington families to swap out gas for electric heating and cooking in their homes. Listen to WPSR’s Dr. Mark Vossler talk about the health risks of gas stoves in homes, and how you can get involved and take action with us.

  • WPSR Board and Task Force member Dr. Annemarie Dooley speaks about the health dangers of transportation emissions from Amazon’s enormous fleet of delivery vehicles, and from transportation generally which is the largest source of CO2 emissions. Watch it here!

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“WPSR connects government officials with expert input from leading health professionals. The importance of this role cannot be overstated. When developers want to increase toxic air and water pollution, the perspectives of doctors and nurses can help change the course of high-impact proposals like fracked gas, coal, and oil infrastructure.”
— L. Goldberg, Executive Director, Columbia Riverkeeper