Become a WPSR member, and join Washington’s largest and leading health advocacy organization.

Become a WPSR Member

WPSR members are part of the largest and leading health advocacy organization in Washington. Membership is open to physicians nurses and anyone who cares about making the world a healthy, just, peaceful and sustainable place for all. Our members share the belief that the health voice can effectively address the gravest current threats to human health and survival - nuclear weapons, economic inequity, and a climate crisis. Join us!

About WPSR Membership

Any donation over $50/year or $5/mo includes an annual WPSR membership. Membership is effective from the date your donation is received. Memberships that become effective between Jan 1 - June 30 are valid through the end of the year. Memberships initiated between July 1 and Dec 31 are good through June 30 of the following year. We encourage you to become a recurring monthly donor, which keeps your membership active on an ongoing basis, and helps support WPSR throughout the year.

I volunteer for WPSR’s Economic Inequality and Health Task Force because it gives me a way to advocate to lawmakers about the policies I care about most—those that affect the most marginalized clients I’ve served over the past decade in Washington State. As a licensed Psychologist, I care deeply about changing the current systems that harm people’s mental health by perpetuating income inequality, mass incarceration, and systemic racism. WPSR stands for what I stand for, and gives me opportunities to both learn and practice policy advocacy in a welcoming atmosphere of my healthcare peers.
— Dr. Josie Tracy, WPSR Task Force Member