Hydrogen and Health
Latest Hydrogen and Health News
Read this Letter to the Editor from WPSR Climate and Health Task Force Co-Chair Mark Vossler on the need for more information about the projects that will be coming to Washington under the new PNW Hydrogen Hub.
The Facts about Hydrogen and Hydrogen Blending
How does hydrogen blending harm our health?
Hydrogen blending causes the risk of multiple diseases, especially in vulnerable populations such as aging individuals and youth. Hydrogen blending increases nitrogen oxide emissions, which supercharges the severity of asthma symptoms.
Studies have shown that short-term exposures to these emissions exacerbate responses to inhaled allergens, airway inflammation, and bronchoconstriction.
Researchers discovered that adults have a 17% increase in risk for developing dementia for every 2 μg/m3 increase in average annual exposure to PM2.5, particulate matter that is formed from nitrogen oxides. Nitrogen oxide emissions cause higher rates of dementia diagnoses.
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention stated that Washington is among the states with the highest prevalence of asthma, which hydrogen blending will exacerbate if fully implemented.
How does hydrogen blending impact overburdened communities?
Hydrogen blending would disproportionately affect individuals in lower-income households since they are more likely to own insufficiently ventilated stoves without properly working fans. This is due to the fact that landlords are less likely to implement stoves with proper ventilation in disadvantaged areas. Energy Innovation, an energy and climate policy firm, states that improperly ventilated stoves increase the risk of asthma in children by 42%.
When can hydrogen blending work?
Hydrogen blending that uses green hydrogen, does not emit any carbon dioxide. Less than one percent of the hydrogen currently being produced is green hydrogen, making it unfeasible to be used for large-scale and industrial uses.
Hydrogen is 57 times lighter than gasoline vapor, making it a far safer option since it would be more likely to disperse into the air rapidly rather than explode immediately.
How can hydrogen blending be harmful to the environment?
Hydrogen is still more explosive than normal natural gas containing methane since it ignites easily with a greater risk of flame flashback, which increases the risk of flames.
Hydrogen blending is four times more likely to cause explosions, particularly in the kitchen and basement areas of the house, and subsequent injuries from explosions.
What projects are happening in Washington?
The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association has received one billion dollars in funding to implement hydrogen hubs across Bellingham, Centralia, East Wenatchee, and Kennewick in Washington. This funding will increase the usage of hydrogen blending in these areas and cause residents to face further health issues
What are alternatives to hydrogen blending?
Efficient electrification is an alternative to hydrogen blending that does not harm health and has little to no explosion risk. It involves replacing gas fuel-burning technology with electricity-based technology. PSR has a guide on Talking with Landlords about Gas Stove Pollution in Rental Units, which gives advice to renters on discussing the harms of gas stoves and solutions to replacing them or receiving proper ventilation with their landlords.
In addition to electric technologies, modern heat pumps are effective alternatives to gas boilers since they reduce carbon emissions and are three times more efficient.
Fact sheet courtesy of work from PSR Climate Ambassador, Tasnia Hakim.